Chiropractic massage therapy uses a variety of techniques to manipulate your joints and soft tissue to improve your body’s overall health. Massage increases the body’s supply of oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, which help release waste from the muscle tissue. Massage also accelerates your body's own natural ability to heal itself. When massage therapy is coupled with chiropractic services, you'll be able to feel the release of tension and pain.
After just one visit with our massage therapist, you will be able to feel the difference. Our massage therapist is very friendly and will ensure you're comfortable throughout your entire visit. If you have experienced a personal injury, car accident, or work injury contact us today and schedule your first appointment. We want to see you back on the path to recovery today.
Chiropractic massage therapy can benefit everyone, especially when combined with chiropractic treatments.
If you'd like to schedule an appointment please call us at (501) 762-9648, send us an email at or click here for our appointment scheduler online!